Trust in Amazon but tie up your camel

Online Shopping on Amazon

For many Americans, it's impossible to survive without shopping on Amazon. 
Prime is an annual $119 membership but getting everything delivered fast and free is worth every penny.
Amazon profits are soaring due to the pandemic. What's more convenient than shopping online and not worrying about catching the virus and that includes your whole foods orders for groceries.

But there is something to keep in mind. Amazon prices are not always the best and they fluctuate constantly. So if you finally bought that TV you were eyeing well guess what a week ago it was much cheaper. 

I remember going to Toys "R" Us and checking 
out cool toys and ordering them on Amazon while 
still inside the store. If I really wanted it at  
that very moment, well an amazon price match
always worked. No wonder Toys "R" US is bankkrupt.

Amazon product reviews: 5,000 five stars on an iPhone Case. Ok, trust me these are all Chinese bots
pushing up the made-in-china product so you click and buy thinking wow people love this case. 

The three words you need to remember next time 
you are window shopping for that Monitor for your
home office.  CAMEL CAMEL CAMEL

Welcome to camelcamelcamel, a free Amazon price tracker!

How it works? Camel Camel Camel is a free website. Simply find the product in your amazon app or browser and copy the link and paste it on this camel camel camel website.

I really want to buy this monitor, so I started tracking any price change on amazon. I will get an email every time the price changes.

$546.99 but check the chart it was $496 a few months ago. Let me sleep on it and wait for my camel alert to tell me when it's at the lowest again.

Hope this saves you some money but nevertheless, it can help you do research while shopping around to make an educated purchase decision. 

Current$546.99Nov 30, 2021
Highest *$559.99Nov 04, 2021
Lowest *$496.99Sep 27, 2021
